Thursday, June 18, 2009

Snuggle time

Besides wrestling Dad, Weston's favorite thing to do before story time is talk and snuggle with Merrick. He's such a sweet big brother, very helpful and gentle. We're so proud of him!


Grammy (Mom) said...

What a great shot of the Ash Boys! Merrick is growing so fast! Thank you for sharing your stories and photos with us- I love you guys!

Karen, Scott, and Jared said...

Love this one too! I'm so encouraged at how awesome a big brother Weston is to Merrick... I keep praying that Jared will take on such a happy-to-have-a-sibling role. I miss you and hate that I haven't gotten to talk to you in so long. How are you doing sweet friend and mommy of 2??

Love, Karen

The Adamo Family said...

They're all soooooooooo handsome!! What a lucky mama you are!!