Sunday, December 20, 2009

I love Sundays

It's so energizing to me when we actually get a day, all of us together, where we laugh, rest well, accomplish things around the house, and do it all really enjoying each other. Those are my favorite days. I would always get so annoyed when I'd ask my mom 'Mom what do you want for Christmas?' or 'Mom what would you like for your birthday?'
She'd always answer 'I just want to spend time with you and your sisters.' I always wanted her to say 'A sweater would be nice, or a necklace.' Something easy and fun. I never understood why she wanted to just be with us, until now. It truly fills me up to be with my family.
Merrick is 7 months now! He's a whopping 23lbs, 30 inches, blabbing and humming, sitting up, and trying so hard to crawl. It's a bit harder for the really chubby guys... He loves the bath, anything Weston does, being outside, and snuggling.
Although he has more energy than anyone I know, Weston can surprisingly sit still and concentrate very well with his Playmobil people. A very lucky boy opened up a special gift from Grandma Joyce and Grandpa George today. A barn with animals and every little detail you can imagine that would belong in a very upscale horse stable, made by Playmobil. We walked into his bedroom and he had each horse lined up with a person grooming it, perfectly in a row... in some ways, (very few), he's a bit more like his mamma.

1 comment:

Grammy (Mom) said...

What a wonderful and unexpected gift this posting is! You are a wonderful daughter and the two of you are growing an amazing family- that is the best gift a parent could ever hope for- and yes, I am puddlin up Ryan! Merry Christmas to each of you! I love you-